Slow Down, Save Lives

17th of December, 2023

Brindle Parish Council having been working together with the community to tackle road safety concerns, in particular, speeding within Brindle.

As part of a number of initiatives, it has been able to obtain wheelie bin stickers which are part of Lancashire County Council's (LCC) "Slow Down,Save Lives" initiative.  A number of these will be placed in the Top Oth Lane BT Box and can be delivered upon request.

LCC require that the stickers are ONLY for use on wheelie bins.  It is not acceptable for them to be nailed to trees, made into miniature signs which could become a road safety hazard, or be affixed to road signs, lighting columns, bollards or any other street furniture.  LCC also advise that overuse of the stickers can obscure or distract from other signage.

The Parish Council is laising with LCC with regard to the location of "Slow Down, Save Lives" banners and it is anticipated that more products from the scheme may become available in the new year.